Salvador Dalí House - Portlligat, Surreal Haven of Artistic Genius

Barcelona Heron City Kinepolis


The Salvador Dali Museum-House is located in the small Spanish town of Port Lligat. This was a small fishing village, adjacent to Cadaqués. Dali's passionate love affair with Gala resulted in a strained relationship with his father. Dali made a fortune by selling his paintings and purchased a small house, which he continually expanded upon and lived in with Gala. Today, this residence has been transformed into the Salvador Dali Museum-House. The furnishings in the museum remain as they were in Dali's time. However, to maintain the peacefulness of the residence, there are strict limitations on the number of visitors allowed. Visitors to the museum will find that Dali's creativity has been fully unleashed. Every room is filled with unexpected devices, some of which appear to be completely unrelated. In Dali and Gala's bedroom, Dali used three mirrors to refract the outside view of the Mediterranean sunrise so that the two could enjoy the scenery while lying in bed. In the museum, you can also see a white bear holding a lantern, walls that emit organ music, a standing giant egg, and a circular room where Dali met with his friend. The Salvador Dali Museum-House is a glimpse into the personal, domestic side of the Spanish surrealist master. The museum showcases a variety of special devices in Dali's living room, bedroom, studio, and garden, showcasing the artist's rich imagination and superhuman artistic talent. Cadaqués is a nearby vacation resort and one of the destinations in Dali's "Golden Triangle," along with the Dali Theater-Museum in Figueres and the Dali Castle in Púbol.
Barcelona Heron City Kinepolis
Opening hours
January 1-6, 10:30-18:00, with last entry at 17:10
closed from January 7 to February 11
February 12 to June 14, 10:30-18:00
June 15 to September 15, 9:30-21:00, with last entry at 20:10
September 16 to December 31, 10:30-18:00.
Portlligat E-17488 Cadaqués