Puerta del Sol, The pulsating heart of Madrid's vibrant life

Puerta del Sol, s/n, 28013 Madrid
There are shops and restaurants around the square


The Puerta del Sol Square originated from the 15th-century Madrid city gate and was named for facing the direction of the rising sun. The earliest building on the square was the old post office building in the 18th century, which is now the government building of the Madrid Autonomous Community. During Franco's period, the government building was the national security headquarters, and the lower half-elliptical windows of the building once held prisoners who opposed Franco's rule. In front of the building, near the driving route, is the "Kilometer Zero" sign and the center of the Spanish national road network. Two important sights on the square are the statue of Carlos III and the "Bear and Strawberry Tree." Carlos III was the king of Spain during the Bourbon dynasty and was born in Madrid. He devoted himself to building public facilities in Madrid during his reign and is still known as the "greatest mayor of Madrid." The "Bear and Strawberry Tree" is the emblem of Madrid, which first appeared in the 13th century. The bear was to commemorate King Alfonso XI of Castile, who hunted a bear on the surrounding mountain of Madrid. The strawberry tree originates from the wild strawberry tree growing around the square.

Must-go rating

Must go


Translation: Others
Puerta del Sol, s/n, 28013 Madrid
Opening hours
24 hours
You can take subway line 1, 2, or 3 to Sol Station.