Goreme National Park, Surreal lunar landscapes and cave wonders

Goreme, Turkey
The terrain is still very unique


Göreme National Park is located on the Anatolian Plateau in Turkey, in a triangular area between the cities of Nevşehir, Avanos, and Ürgüp. This area is famous for the Cappadocia fairy chimneys, which are made up of volcanic rock formations, ancient rock-cut churches, and cave dwellings. The plateau was formed by five ancient volcanoes that erupted in the distant past. The volcanic rock is relatively soft and has many pores, making it vulnerable to erosion. Over thousands of years, water and wind erosion have created many unique rock formations, cliffs, and caves. The stones are bare on the mountainside, with no grass growing on them, so the locals call it the strange mountain area.
Goreme, Turkey