Goreme Open-Air Museum, A sanctuary carved into nature's masterpiece

"Göreme Yolu 50000 Göreme Nevşehir, Turkey" - "Göreme Road 50000 Göreme Nevşehir, Turkey"
Wall painting with diverse colors depicted inside


If you can only visit one attraction in Cappadocia, you must go to the Goreme Open Air Museum. This is Turkey's world cultural heritage, a group of buildings built on natural geological foundations, including cave churches, chapels and monasteries. The open-air museum is located in a steep valley, containing the natural, historical and cultural elements of Cappadocia, and bringing together more than 30 differently sized cave churches. These churches were originally built by Christians who fled from political persecution and migrated to Cappadocia. They were built by carving into the mountain, and the interior is decorated with colorful murals, which are very exciting. Some of the more famous churches include the Apple Church, St. Barbara Church, Snake Church, Dark Church, Buckle Church, El Nazar Church, Sandals Church, and Sakli Church.

Must-go rating

Must go


There is a parking lot
"Göreme Yolu 50000 Göreme Nevşehir, Turkey" - "Göreme Road 50000 Göreme Nevşehir, Turkey"
Opening hours
April to October: 8:30am-7:00pm
November to March: 8:00am-5:00pm.
One kilometer east of the city, on a hillside, you can either call a car from the nearby hotel or choose to walk there. Along the way, there will be signs pointing the direction, as it is a part of the Cappadocia Red Line tour.