Musee d’Histoire Naturelle, Dive into the Diversity of Nature

Route de Malagnou 1, 1208 Geneva
There are a lot of animal specimens inside


One of the largest museums in Europe is the Natural History Museum (Musee d'Histoire Naturelle), which displays a wealth of natural history related specimens, including biology, geology, mineralogy, and earth science, showcasing the spectacular and diverse natural world to visitors. The collection of animal specimens is particularly impressive, displaying the forms, habits, and evolutionary history of various animals, providing people with an in-depth understanding and appreciation of the animal kingdom. Additionally, the museum's geology section is also a major feature, including topics such as earth evolution, geological epochs, and geographical distribution, revealing the history and mysteries of the planet to visitors. In short, the Natural History Museum is a place worth visiting, allowing people to gain knowledge and inspiration while exploring nature.
Route de Malagnou 1, 1208 Geneva
Opening hours
Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 17:00.
Get off at Museum station from buses 1, 6, and 8.