Katarinahissen, Breathtaking Panoramic City Views

Katarina Elevator, Katarinavägen, Stockholm
The scenery at the top is nice


The Katarinahissen elevator was built in 1881 to solve transportation issues from Slussenplan to the higher Mosebacken area on Södermalm Island. It is a passenger elevator that provides sightseeing services for tourists. The elevator was rebuilt in 1935. Today, its main function is tourism, allowing visitors to stand on the platform at the top and overlook the surrounding scenery of Stockholm's Old Town and harbor areas. Visitors can also enjoy delicious food at the restaurant on top of the elevator. Although modern urban development mainly relies on motor vehicles and rail transportation, the Katarinahissen elevator remains one of the iconic symbols of Södermalm Island's rich history.
Katarina Elevator, Katarinavägen, Stockholm
Subway: Red Line/Green Line, Slussen Station.