Prague Castle, A timeless journey through history and architecture

Prague Castle, 11908 Prague 1
Prague Castle is also worth a visit


Prague Castle was once the residence of the Czech royal family and is now the office location for the president and national government agencies. It is also a popular spot for viewing the beauty of the Old Town area. The castle houses the crown jewels of Bohemian Kingdom and is one of the largest ancient castles in the world, spanning 570 meters in length and around 130 meters in width. The three most important sights in the castle include St. Vitus Cathedral, Golden Lane, and the Old Royal Palace. St. Vitus Cathedral is the oldest building in the city, with a history of over 1000 years. The highlights of this magnificent grey-black Gothic building include 20th-century stained glass windows, the tomb of St. John, and the St. Wenceslas Chapel. The large stained glass windows were created by the famous painter Mucha. Golden Lane is a small and delicate road with romantic colored small houses on either side. It used to be the residence of servants and craftsmen and got its name from the many alchemists who worked for the kings. In the late 19th century, it became a slum, but after a change in planning in the mid-20th century, the houses were converted into various souvenir and handicraft shops. The famous writer Kafka's old home is also located here. Every day at noon, the Old Royal Palace holds an impressive changing of the guard ceremony, attracting many tourists.

Must-go rating

Must go
Worth going


Bus transportation
Translation: Others
Prague Castle, 11908 Prague 1
Opening hours
Castle: 6:00-22:00
April 1 to October 31: 9:00-17:00
November 1 to March 31 of the following year: 9:00-16:00.
Malostranská station on the subway, or get off at Pražský hrad or Pohořelec station by tram 22.