Keukenhof Tulip flower fields, Breathtaking tulip fields and windmill views

Keukenhof, Stationsweg 166A, 2161 AM Lisse


"Keukenhof" means "Kitchen Garden" in Dutch, named after the herbs and vegetables that were primarily grown for nobility's kitchens in the 15th century. It is also known as the "Garden of Europe", with many open flower fields surrounding the park for flowers to flourish in a natural environment. Visitors can rent bicycles at the park entrance and feel the natural atmosphere in the wildflower fields. The bike rental company will provide a tour map for visitors to follow, and the flower fields are larger than the park, with visitors being able to ride along the small roads towards the depths of the fields. However, please appreciate the flowers with care and do not pick or trample them. Visitors can also explore the surrounding residential areas and then visit Keukenhof Castle. The park's opening times are usually from late March to mid-May, coinciding with the blooming season.
Keukenhof, Stationsweg 166A, 2161 AM Lisse
Opening hours
Car rental from 8:00am to 7:30pm.
Cars: A4 highway (exit Nieuw-Vennep) and A44 highway (exit 3, Lisse).