Erasmus Bridge, Graceful silhouette of an urban swan

3011 BN Rotterdam, Netherlands
A beautiful white swan lay horizontally


Erasmus Bridge is a bridge that spans the New Meuse River, connecting the north and south banks of Rotterdam. It is named after the famous humanist and theologian of the Middle Ages, Erasmus. Due to its shape resembling a soaring swan, it is also known as the "Swan Bridge" by the public. This bridge has been rated as one of the most beautiful 13 bridges in the world, standing at 139 meters high and with a total length of 802 meters. It is also one of the longest cable-stayed bridges in the world. The Erasmus Bridge has appeared in Jackie Chan's 1998 movie "Who Am I," as well as being a venue for Red Bull Air Races and a stage for the 2010 Tour de France.
3011 BN Rotterdam, Netherlands
Opening hours
24 hours