Ranua Wildlife Park, A Wilderness Adventure with Arctic Wildlife

Ranua Wildlife Park in Finland
Many owls


The Ranua Wildlife Park is located about an hour's drive north of Rovaniemi and is home to over 50 species of animals, including bears, Finnish polar bears, lynx, wolves, wolverines, reindeer, and more. The only foreign animal is the polar bear from Sweden. The park's tour route is approximately 2.5 kilometers long and passes through various animal areas where visitors can observe the wildlife up close. In addition, the park features the Jussan Pirtti restaurant, candy and souvenir shops. The park is open year-round, and night tours are available with a guide where animals become more active during this time.
Ranua Wildlife Park in Finland
Opening hours
September 1st to May 31st, from 10:00 to 16:00. June 1st to August 31st, from 9:00 to 19:00.