Palmengarten, A Verdant Oasis of Exotic Flora

Siesmayerstr 61, 60323 Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany
Park opposite lawn trees people time


Palmengarten is located in the city center of Germany. It covers an area of over 20 hectares and is the largest botanical garden in the country. Designed and built by commercial horticulturist and landscape architect Heinrich Siesmayer in 1868, it has been open to the public since 1871. The garden features various themed parks and numerous glasshouses showcasing a wealth of plant species. Additionally, Palmengarten regularly holds themed exhibitions, welcoming individual visitors and guided tours for groups.
Siesmayerstr 61, 60323 Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany
Opening hours
2-October from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, November-1 January from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Bockenheimer Warte subway station, walk northeast for about 5 minutes.