Gosausee, Alpine Serenity: A Mirror to the Sky

Gosausee, Gosau, Austria
The clear lake water is as calm as a mirror


Gosau Lake is located in the deep mountains and consists of three lakes: Vorderer Gosausee, Gosaulacke, and Hintere Gosausee. Vorderer Gosausee can be reached by car, while Gosaulacke and Hintere Gosausee require hiking through mountain paths. It attracts not only hikers but also climbers and diving enthusiasts. If the weather is good, you can also enjoy the spectacular view of the Dachstein peak, known as the "Torch of the Alps," at Gosau Lake.

Must-go rating

Must go
Worth going


There is a parking lot
Cheap parking fees
Gosausee, Gosau, Austria
From Hallestatt to Gosau Lake, take bus route 543 from the bus stop and transfer to bus route 524 at a stop by the lake in Hallestatt. You don't have to worry about the transfer; just follow the driver's instructions. The journey takes about forty minutes and tickets can be purchased on the 543 bus for €4.8 per person for a one-way trip. The final stop for route 542 is Gosau Lake.