Merrion Square, [object Object]

East End of Nassau St, Dublin 2, Ireland


Merrion Square, located on the south side of Dublin city center, is one of the most popular parks in Dublin. The park is filled with lush green grass and fragrant flowers, surrounded by many typical Georgian-style redbrick buildings. On the east side of the square, there used to be the longest Georgian-style terraced houses in Europe, but they were partially demolished by the Electricity Supply Board (ESB) in 1961 and replaced with modern architecture. This shortsighted action by the ESB has been heavily criticized over the years. However, there is still one intact Georgian-style house open to the public, allowing people to appreciate the charm of history. Number 39 Merrion Square East was once the site of the British Consulate, but it was occupied and burned down by angry protesters in 1972 due to the Bloody Sunday incident in Northern Ireland. The famous writer Oscar Wilde spent his childhood at 1 North Merrion, and there is a statue of him in the park.

Must-go rating



Translation: Others
East End of Nassau St, Dublin 2, Ireland
Opening hours