East Coast National Scenic Area, Where the Mountains Meet the Pacific

Hualien County, Taitung County
The vast and boundless sea is fascinating


The mountain range on the eastern coast of Taiwan is formed due to the compression of the Philippine Plate. This region, known as the "last pristine land in Taiwan," is located between the mountains and the sea. The entire route starts from Hualien River Mouth and extends to Taitung County. This area not only has long and clean coastlines but also unique geological landscapes such as sea erosion platforms, coastal terraces, offshore islands, and reef coasts. In addition, visitors can enjoy watching whales by taking a bamboo raft on the Xiuguluan River or taking a boat from Shihti Fishing Port. Every August, tourists can also enjoy the grandest harvest festival of the Amis tribe. In this mountainous and coastal paradise with simple folk customs, every scenic spot will make you reluctant to leave.
Hualien County, Taitung County
The East Coast is also located between Hualien City and Taitung City, but it is the only place in Eastern Taiwan that cannot be reached by train. The Provincial Highway 11 runs along the coast from Hualien to Taitung, and the attractions on the East Coast are almost all located around the highway and the coast. Take the coastal bus between Hualien and Taitung, and every attraction can be easily reached. Along the Yuchang Highway, Changbin can reach Yuli in the longitudinal valley.