Sanxiantai, A Bridge to Natural Wonders and Mythical Tales

No. 74, Jihui Road, Sanxianli, Chenggong Township, Taitung County
The arch bridge in Sanxiantai is very unique


Sanxiantai is located about 3 kilometers northeast of Chenggong City, consisting of a protruding cape and an offshore island. It is famous for its three giant rocks, which according to folklore, were visited by three immortals during their journey across the sea. The geology of the area is characterized by volcanic rocks, originally forming a cape that eroded and became an offshore island. Sanxiantai is known for its rich marine resources and is a popular fishing and rock fishing spot. It is also a favorite destination for divers at all levels. Additionally, the unique terrain and ecological resources of the island make it an important research site for coastal ecology, with a variety of coastal plant species. Visitors can explore the well-planned trails to appreciate the ecological and geological features along the way. The iconic octagonal red bridge provides a spectacular view. A visit to the island usually takes about 2 hours, during which visitors can enjoy special landforms such as sea caves, sea erosion channels, and sea erosion potholes, as well as rare coastal plants. The Sanxiantai Visitor Center offers tourism consultation services, allowing visitors to learn more about the famous landscapes and diverse ecology of Sanxiantai Island.
No. 74, Jihui Road, Sanxianli, Chenggong Township, Taitung County
Opening hours
Take the Taiwan Railway to Hualien Station, transfer to Hualien Bus (towards Taitung, Chenggong) and get off at Sanxiantai Station.