Sheikh Lotfolah Mosque, A Royal Sanctuary of Colorful Transcendence

Ghal e-Tabarok, Esfahan
It is the place where the king and queen worship


Translated to English: Built in the early 16th century, this mosque is named after a prominent Lebanese Shiite scholar and also the father-in-law of Abbas the Great. The mosque is unique in that it does not have a courtyard or a minaret, as it was originally intended for internal use by the royal family. On the other hand, the color of its dome changes gradually with the sunlight, eventually turning pink at night.
Ghal e-Tabarok, Esfahan
Opening hours
8:00-sunset, closed for 1 hour from 11:30-12:30 in the summer.
Closed on Friday mornings, open from 15:00-17:00 in the afternoon.