Bangkok Doll Factory & Museum, A Treasure Trove of Traditional Thai Puppets

85 Soi Ratchataphan (Soi Mo Leng), Th Ratchaprarop


This museum is located in a relatively inconspicuous place, but once you find it, you will definitely be rewarded. It houses a collection of traditional Thai puppets, which vividly showcase the charm of Thai culture. These puppets are dressed in traditional costumes and are highly detailed, making them highly valuable for collection. Additionally, this museum has done an excellent job in preserving and exhibiting these artifacts, leaving a lasting impression.
85 Soi Ratchataphan (Soi Mo Leng), Th Ratchaprarop
Opening hours
Monday to Saturday 8:00-17:00
After arriving at Victory Monument, take a taxi and head east from Th Sri Ayuthaya.