Sigiriya Lion Rock, A Majestic Citadel on a Lion Rock

Sigiriya, Sri Lanka
Climb up to the top of the rocks and enjoy the beautiful scenery from afar


Sigiriya, also known as Lion Rock, is a real aerial palace situated on a giant orange rock. This place not only has the natural wonders of Australia's Uluru, but also has amazing human architectural wonders that amaze every first-time visitor. It is hailed as the eight wonders of the world, an important tourist attraction in Sri Lanka's "cultural golden triangle", and also one of the world-class precious heritage sites protected by UNESCO.
Sigiriya, Sri Lanka
Opening hours
Take a bus from Colombo to Dambulla, with one every hour at 120 rupees/person, with a travel time of 1.5 hours. From Dambulla, take a TUTU car to Lion Rock for about 600 rupees and 30 minutes.