Sandanbeki Dokutsu Cave, Marvel at the Sculpted Cliffs and Roaring Waves

The scenery of San Duan Bi is very spectacular


The Sandanbeki Cliffs are located about two kilometers north of Shirahama in Wakayama Prefecture. Rising about 50 meters above the sea, these cliffs are named after the three distinct types of rock that make up the coastline. This natural wonder is one of the most stunning attractions for visitors in the area. Formed by volcanic activity millions of years ago, the Pacific Ocean waves continuously erode the colossal cliffs, creating a mesmerizing coastal landscape. Especially during spring high tides, the crashing waves against the cliffs create an awe-inspiring spectacle resembling a thousand piles of snow, showcasing the immense power of nature. Beneath the Sandanbeki Cliffs lie deep sea caves, which served as a base for the ancient Kumano navy. During the late 12th century Genpei War, the Kumano navy assisted the Minamoto clan, leading to their victory and the establishment of the Kamakura Shogunate. Today, the remnants of the ancient naval base, including buildings and monuments, can still be seen at the site. Currently, there is an elevator inside the caves of the Sandanbeki Cliffs that descends to a depth of 36 meters, where the shrine of the water deity "Benzaiten" and sixteen child deities are enshrined. There is also a model of a Kumano navy barracks. Along the trail, visitors can see the famous "Lotus Root Rock," a unique rock formation crafted by long-term wave erosion, showcasing colorful patterns and stripes. Looking through the cave, one can witness the "Jyu-Ou Rock," resembling a giant eagle spreading its wings. At the end of the trail, during high tide, seawater is pushed into the cracks of the rocks, forming a spectacular "spout" similar to a whale spouting water.
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