senganen, A timeless retreat with views of Sakurajima

9700-1, Yoshino-cho, Kagoshima-shi, Kagoshima-ken
The perfect perspective of viewing Sakurajima volcano from afar


Located in Kagoshima, Sen'en Garden, also known as Kotei Garden, is a villa built by the 19th lord of the Satsuma domain, Shimazu Mitsuhisa, in 1658. The 28th lord of the domain, Shimazu Nariakira, also loved this garden and even Tokugawa Shogunate's princess, Atsu-hime, visited here. Since 1949, the Kagoshima Prefecture has opened Sen'en Garden to visitors. The garden is situated on a hill and offers views of Kinko Bay and Sakura Island, allowing visitors to enjoy the natural beauty. In spring, visitors can bathe in the pink cherry blossoms, while in autumn they can enjoy the blooming chrysanthemums. In addition to scenic views, the garden also features ancient buildings such as the Goten Palace, allowing visitors to appreciate the charm of historical culture. Outside the garden, there is also the Shoko Shuseikan museum, which was formerly a machine factory built in 1865 and has now been converted into a museum showcasing artifacts related to the Shimazu family. These artifacts, weathered over 700 years, deeply carry the memories and history of the Shimazu family. Sen'en Garden and Shoko Shuseikan are both classified as cultural properties of Kagoshima and are worthwhile destinations for visitors to explore.
9700-1, Yoshino-cho, Kagoshima-shi, Kagoshima-ken
Opening hours
Please get off at "Sengan-en-mae" by taking Kagoshima City View, sightseeing bus or private bus (3 companies).