Kaigungo Park, A Historical Reminder to Cherish Peace

236 Toyomi Castle, Toyomi-cho
A check-in place suitable for children


The former naval headquarters bunker in Tonaki City, Okinawa, is an underground command bunker built by the Japanese Navy in December 1944. This bunker is buried 30 meters underground and has a total length of 450 meters, capable of accommodating around 4,000 soldiers. The bunker, hidden on top of the hill, had the advantage of overlooking enemy movements. Currently, 300 meters of the bunker are open to tourists and display many weapons, uniforms, and other historical artifacts used by the Japanese military at that time. Upon entering the former naval headquarters bunker, visitors will first see an exhibition hall showcasing weapons, uniforms, and daily supplies used by the Japanese army at that time. Walking along the bunker, one feels as if transported back to the end of World War II, with the darkness filled with the breath of history. The former naval headquarters bunker has preserved the intact commander's office, medical room, officers' lounge, and staff room. Even the walls of the commander's office bear the small holes left by fragments from grenades used by the commander and staff members during their suicides upon the defeat of the war. This underground bunker is like a living history textbook, reminding people to cherish the preciousness of peace.
236 Toyomi Castle, Toyomi-cho
Opening hours
July to September is from 8:30-17:30, October to June is from 8:30-17:00.
Take bus No.33, 46, or 101 at Naha Bus Terminal and get off at the station in front of Shuri Castle Park. It takes about 10 minutes to walk there.