Hase-dera, A Sanctuary of Serenity and Sculpted Beauty

You can also enjoy the magnificent sea view


Hasedera Temple is an important temple of the Jodo sect, renowned for its Eleven-headed Kannon statue of compassion. This statue, standing at 9.18 meters tall, portrays the bodhisattva with distinctive features on each face and is one of the largest wooden sculptures in Japan. Visitors can admire this treasure in the main hall of the temple. Additionally, on a platform next to the main hall, visitors can enjoy Japanese sweets like Omotesenke dango (a type of sticky rice dumpling with sweet and savory sauce) while taking in the beautiful views of the seaside city of Kamakura. The teahouse also offers other snacks and beverage options.
Opening hours
March to September, 8:00am-5:30pm. October to February of the following year, 8:00am-5:00pm. Admission stops 30 minutes before closing.
JR Yokosuka Line -> Get off at Kamakura Station -> Bus (10 minutes) or Enoden (5 minutes) Odakyu Line -> Get off at Fujisawa Station -> Enoden -> 5 minutes walk from Enoden "Hase Station".