Kobe Nunobiki Herb Gardens, Aromatic Haven with Enchanting Views

Herb Gardens Top Station, Yamagōri Fukiaichō, Chūō ku, Kōbe shi, Hyōgo ken 651-0058 Japan
Take a cable car to the mountaintop to overlook Kobe Port


Kobe Nunobiki Herb Garden is a scenic garden located on a hillside that primarily grows various herbs. It covers an area of 72 hectares and boasts 150 varieties of herbs, with a total of 75,000 plants. Amidst the hustle and bustle of city life, this garden offers a serene retreat where you can unwind and relax. Taking a cable car to the garden, you can smell different types of flowers, and for visitors who love medieval European-style architecture, there are quaint old buildings and gorgeous gardens to explore. The perfume greenhouse is especially noteworthy, showcasing various perfume stills and the history of fragrances. With over a hundred fragrances available for sampling, you can vote for your favorite scent and even buy some perfume at the fragrance sample room. The main Europen-style building also has a unique restaurant upstairs which uses various spices to cook delicious food, with abundant colors and flavors. Inside the garden's glass greenhouse, there are also many tropical plants to discover, such as pineapples, bananas, and curry ingredients.
Herb Gardens Top Station, Yamagōri Fukiaichō, Chūō ku, Kōbe shi, Hyōgo ken 651-0058 Japan
Opening hours
Take a JR train to Shin-Kobe Station, get off and walk for 5 minutes to Kitano-ichome Station, then transfer to the Shin-Kobe Ropeway and ride for about 10 minutes. Get off at the Nunobiki Herb Garden Station and walk to the destination.