Kobe Kitano Tenman Shrine, A Sanctuary of Wisdom Amidst Blossoming Cherries

A shrine dedicated to the god of wisdom


Kita-no-Tenmangu Shrine is dedicated to the god of wisdom, Sugawara no Michizane. It was built in 1180 and originally moved here by Taira no Kiyomori. The name "Kita-no" comes from the location of the shrine in Kita-no-Ijinkan. The main hall, lattice fence, worship hall, and torii gate of the shrine were all built in the early Edo period and have been designated as important traditional cultural properties of Kobe City. From the shrine, you can also overlook the "Kazemachi Kikenkan" building.
Fengjian Chicken Restaurant is a 1-minute walk east.