Ujigami-jinja, A serene sanctuary enveloped in ancient charm

Uji Yamada 59, Uji City
Quiet ancient shrine


Uji Kamigamo Shrine is a Shinto shrine that was built during the late Heian period and is now designated as a World Heritage Site. The main hall, which is designated as a National Treasure, was built around the same time as the Phoenix Hall of Byodoin Temple, in the mid-11th century. It was formerly known as "Kamigamo Sessha" along with the nearby Ujiko Shrine until the Meiji period. The shrine consists of three inner halls, a style unique to Shinto architecture, with cypress bark thatched roofs, each dedicated to a different deity. The central hall is dedicated to Emperor Kamigamo, the left hall to his son, Tadayoshi, and the right hall to his brother, Emperor Nintoku.
Uji Yamada 59, Uji City
Opening hours
Take the Keihan Uji Line to Uji Station, then walk for about 5 minutes.