Kifune Shrine, A sanctuary of love and seasonal beauty

180 Kurama Kibune-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City
The Kamimaruoka Shrine enshrines the Water God


Kifune Shrine is located in the northern part of Kyoto, and has been a shrine dedicated to the guardian deity of mountains, forests, and waters since ancient times. The exact year of its establishment is unknown. According to historical records, the famous poet of the Heian period, Izumi Shikibu, visited this shrine to pray for her husband's heart to cool down and change his mind. As a result, the shrine became well-known for its enshrined deity, Nakatsukasa, who is associated with love and relationships. As the head shrine of approximately 450 Kifune Shrines throughout Japan, it is the birthplace of Ema, wooden plaques used for making wishes, and is also known as one of Kyoto's famous spots for autumn leaves.
180 Kurama Kibune-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City
Opening hours
6:00-20:00 (May 1st to November 30th)
6:00-18:00 (December 1st to April 30th)