Nishijin, Exquisite Kimono Craftsmanship and Performances

Original Seiganji Street, Higashinyuru 458, Horikita, Tokyo Metropolitan Area, Kyoto Prefecture
I bought several sets of Japanese style decorative artworks


Nishijin-ori is a traditional weaving technique originating from Kyoto, Japan. It is named after the location where the Western Army was stationed during the Onin War, but there is no formal administrative district with this name in Kyoto today. Nishijin-ori weavers are mainly located in the northwestern part of Kyoto city. If you are interested in Nishijin-ori, you can visit the Nishijin Textile Industrial Association's Nishijin-ori Kaikan. The Kaikan showcases related materials of Nishijin-ori and has a sales area on the second floor for related products. On the first floor, there are regular kimono exhibitions and 6-7 kimono performances daily, as well as an introduction to the history of Nishijin-ori. However, please note that the venue often attracts tour groups, so there may be a large number of visitors.
Original Seiganji Street, Higashinyuru 458, Horikita, Tokyo Metropolitan Area, Kyoto Prefecture
Opening hours
The museum is closed from 9:00 to 17:00 on August 13-15 and December 29 to January 3 of the following year.
Bus: City bus, Horikawa-Imadegawa station.