Seimei Shrine, A sanctuary of mystical charms and ancient legends

806 Horikawa-dori Ichijo-sagaru, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi
Must-visit places for playing Onmyoji


Seimei Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in Kyoto, Japan. It is built on the site of the former residence of Abe no Seimei, a famous onmyoji during the Heian period. Seimei was known for his expertise in astrology, and he conducted his celestial observations and rituals at this shrine. The "Seimei Well" within the shrine is a renowned ancient well in Kyoto, and it is said that Sen no Rikyu, the master of the tea ceremony, used water from this well for his tea preparation. The Seimei Kikyo, a pattern designed by Abe no Seimei himself, is highly revered at the shrine and symbolizes protection and auspiciousness. During the summer, visitors can purchase Kikyo charms as talismans for wealth and home protection. In recent years, there has been a growing popularity of literature and films based on Abe no Seimei, attracting many visitors to Seimei Shrine.
806 Horikawa-dori Ichijo-sagaru, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi
Opening hours
Bus: Route 9, 12, stop at Lijing Bridge-Qingming Shrine stop.