Mt. Kurama, A serene retreat into nature's embrace

Sakyo Ward
There is a strong sense of ancient atmosphere on the mountain


Mount Kurama, located in Sakyo ward, Kyoto city, has an elevation of 584 meters. It is situated on the east side of Kurama River and the west side of Kibune River, serving as a watershed. As a famous spiritual mountain, it is a place for esoteric Buddhism practice. In the first year of the Hoki era (770 AD), the monk Jianzhen established Kurama Temple on the southern part of the mountain, where Bishamonten is enshrined. Additionally, the mountain is also known as the place where Genyoshi (also known as Ushiwakamaru) practiced, and it is widely recognized for the legend of the "Kurama Tengu." Moreover, Mount Kurama is renowned for its beautiful cherry blossoms and autumn leaves, which are vividly described in "Sarashina Diary."
Sakyo Ward