Shiratani Unsuikyo Ravine, A mystical trek through a mossy, primeval wonderland

Shiratani Unsuikyo, Palace of the Dragon King in Shiratani Valley, Yakushima, Kumage County, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan
Mossy forests are well worth a visit


It is recommended for novice to intermediate hikers to visit, as the route markings are clear and most people can complete it safely. Each trail has its own unique attractions and challenges, but Taiko-iwa is a must-see, as it overlooks Mt. Miyanoura and Amakusa River at 1,050 meters above sea level. Additionally, visitors can combine the other two trails based on their time and physical ability. Overall, Shiratani Unsuikyo is a natural leisure forest with various evergreen broad-leaf trees and ancient Yakushima cedar trees, making it a beautiful hiking destination.
Shiratani Unsuikyo, Palace of the Dragon King in Shiratani Valley, Yakushima, Kumage County, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan
There are buses running back and forth to Shiratani Unsuikyo from the Mino-ohrta Port, with four trips per day. It is also possible to take a taxi from Mino-ohrta Port or Yakushima Airport.