Blue Lagoon/Tham Pou Kham, [object Object]

About 7km from the center of Wanyuan City


The Tham Khoun Xe Cave in Laos is considered a sacred place by many people. It is a popular tourist destination, thanks in part to the underground lake within the cave. In the main chamber, there is a bronze reclining Buddha statue in the Thai style, and several deep tunnels extend into the mountainside. To explore the secrets of the cave, visitors should bring their own flashlight or rent one. Although the cave may be dark, the underground lake provides enjoyment for swimming freely.
About 7km from the center of Wanyuan City
Opening hours
Everyday from 8:00 to 17:00.
Take Tuktuk for about 20 minutes; drive a motorcycle yourself for about 20 minutes; ride a bicycle for about 40 minutes.