Central State Museum of Hazakhstan, [object Object]

Samal 1 microdistrict, Almaty


One of the largest museums in Central Asia - the Kazakhstan Central State Museum, was built in 1985. It has three floors and multiple exhibition halls, including paleontology and archaeology halls. The museum also regularly organizes exhibitions and scientific seminars. History and culture are important national treasures, and through the rich collection in the museum, you can learn about the origins and cultures of different ethnic groups in Kazakhstan, as well as the history of the country since declaring independence in 1991. The museum also displays replicas of the famous Issyk "Golden Warrior" and weapons.
Samal 1 microdistrict, Almaty
Opening hours
9:30-17:30, closed on Mondays.
You can take bus No. 2, 63, or 73 to get there.