Hongik University Street, A Youthful, Artistic Haven of Vibrant Culture

Mapo-gu Seogyo-dong
There are many small shops and stalls like this on the streets of South Korea


Hongdae's streets are filled with a youthful, romantic, artistic, and avant-garde atmosphere. Here you can find various unique and alternative restaurants, small art galleries and museums, boutique shops, fashion stores, live performance clubs, art markets, and delicious restaurants. Every weekend afternoon, there are free markets and energetic markets on Hongdae street, where creative artists showcase their unique and alternative collections and artworks. Hongdae's streets are also filled with various types of activities, street performances, festivals, and other cultural elements, which always attract many people to come and enjoy. In addition, there are characteristic streets such as Art College Street, Picasso Street, Club Street, and Wanderlust Street around, and the sound of footsteps walking here is always filled with joy.
Mapo-gu Seogyo-dong