Weizhou Island - Our Lady of Grace Church, A Tranquil Gothic Sanctuary Amidst Nature

Beihai City, Haicheng District, Beibu Gulf waters, within Weizhou Island, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
Typical Gothic chapel


In 1882, the Church of Our Lady was built. It is a European countryside Gothic style small church. In front of the church, the three-story square bell tower is embedded with the word "Church of Our Lady", behind which is a rectangular church and a two-story small building. The church was built by a French priest, who was buried in the Church of Our Lady over a hundred years ago. The church is generally not open to the public, so there are hardly any tourists, and the whole courtyard is very quiet and peaceful. Here, you can sunbathe and daydream, as if you are in a paradise. The main door of the church is usually closed, so if you want to go in for a visit, you must hurry before the villagers worship. Standing on the top of the Church of Our Lady, overlooking the garden, countryside, and Gothic bell tower below, makes people feel very comfortable.
Beihai City, Haicheng District, Beibu Gulf waters, within Weizhou Island, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
Opening hours
08:00-18:00 (All day)
last admission at 18:00 (Monday-Sunday from May 1st to October 31st) 08:00-17:30(All day)
last admission at 17:30 (Monday-Sunday from November 1st to April 30th of the following year)
About an 8-minute drive from the pier, transportation to this place is not very convenient.