Zhongshan Zhan Garden, A Tranquil Sanctuary of Elegance and Heritage

Beside National Highway 105, Beitai Village, Nanshan District, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province
Garden landscapes with Chinese characteristics


Zhongshan Zhan Yuan, also known as Zhongshan Mansion, is one of the largest and most classical private gardens in the Lingnan area. The hundred-acre garden was personally designed and built by the owner, Mr. Huang Yuanxin, for his parents to retire in peace. The design style is elegant and exquisite, and extremely comfortable. To show filial piety and respect, the owner named the bridge after his father's name and gave the garden his mother's surname. At the same time, a filial piety hall was specially set up in the garden, with exquisite illustrations of the "Twenty-Four Filial Exemplars", highlighting the owner's strict feelings and affection for his family members.
Beside National Highway 105, Beitai Village, Nanshan District, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province
Opening hours
08:30-17:30 (all day)
last admission at 17:30 (January 1-December 31, Monday-Sunday)