Ming Tomb, A Majestic Burial Fit for Emperors

7 Shixiang Road, Xuanwu District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province
There are stone statues of divine beasts kneeling on both sides of the Shinto shrine's front


In the Zhongshan Scenic Area, there is the tomb of Ming Dynasty founder Zhu Yuanzhang and his empress Ma, which is grand in scale and one of the largest imperial tombs in Chinese history. The construction of Ming Xiaoling took 38 years, laying the foundation for the regulation of emperors' tombs in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and what remains today is only the final part of the tomb garden. The overall layout of the tomb garden is extraordinary and the craftsmanship is exquisite, especially the spirit way of Ming Xiaoling which is 2,400 meters long, winding and full of mystery. The regular route to visit Ming Xiaoling is to enter from the south, pass through the "S"-shaped spirit way, and head north until reaching the Bao Ding. In Ming Xiaoling, Wuxiu Pavilion, Baoyulan, and Meihua are all beautiful scenery, particularly striking under the blue sky.
7 Shixiang Road, Xuanwu District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province
Opening hours
08:30-17:00 (Monday-Sunday, January 1-December 31)
Bus: Take bus 20/315 to Zhongshan Botanical Garden and walk about 730 meters to Ming Xiaoling.