Shuozhou Chongfu Temple, A Monumental Legacy of the Jin Dynasty

94 Dong Street, Shuocheng District, Shuozhou City, Shanxi Province
A magnificent temple of exquisite beauty


Chongfu Temple is located on the north side of Dong Street in the ancient city of Shuozhou. It is a Tang Dynasty cultural heritage protection unit built in 665 by Duke E of O. The Amitabha Hall is the main hall of Chongfu Temple. It was built in 1143 and has a history of more than 800 years, making it very precious. The hall is seven bays wide, 40.96 meters in width, four bays deep and eight rafters, 22.31 meters in depth. The building is about 21 meters high and has a single eave gable roof. It is located on a tall platform with a height of 2.4 meters. There is also a spacious terrace in front of it, adding to the magnificent and spectacular atmosphere of the hall. The vertical plaque "Amitabha Hall" hangs under the eaves in front of the hall, which is the original from 1184. The statues inside the hall are distributed on a large Buddha altar with four bays. The main statue is the Amitabha Buddha, with the Guanyin Bodhisattva on the left and the Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva on the right. There are also four attendant bodhisattvas and two Vajras on both sides. The statues and murals are works from the Jin Dynasty and have been well preserved despite being over 800 years old. In addition to the Amitabha Hall, Chongfu Temple also has other buildings such as the Qianfo Pavilion, the Hall of Heavenly Kings, the Bell and Drum Tower, the Wenshu Hall, the Ksitigarbha Hall, the Sanbao Hall, and the Guanyin Hall, as well as cultural relics and stone statues from the Tang, Liao, and Song Dynasties, making it very magnificent.
94 Dong Street, Shuocheng District, Shuozhou City, Shanxi Province
Opening hours
08:30-17:00 (winter), 08:00-18:00 (summer) (January 1-December 31 Monday-Sunday)