Kanas Scenic Area, A paradise where all seasons converge in beauty

Burqin County town in the north of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
Ice and snow is the theme of winter in Kanas


Kanas Scenic Area is located deep in the mountains and dense forests of the Altai region, about 800 kilometers from the capital city of Urumqi. The scenic area includes famous spots such as Kanas Lake, Hemu Village, and Baihaba Village. Kanas Lake is famous for its mysterious lake monster, colorful lake water, and breathtaking natural scenery, which has fascinated people. Hemu and Baihaba two local villages are home to the Tuwa people, and showcase the beauty of a Swiss town, like a fairyland. This is one of the nine best hiking routes in China and has become a paradise route in the hearts of domestic outdoor enthusiasts.
Burqin County town in the north of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
Opening hours
08:00-20:00 (all day) (June 1st-August 31st, Monday to Sunday) 08:00-22:00 (all day)
last entry time: 22:00 (December 1st to February 28th of the following year, Monday to Sunday) Tips: Additional information: The above is the preferential policy for park admission tickets (excluding transportation fees).
Kanas Scenic Area is located in the northern part of Burqin County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Generally, when traveling to Kanas, people choose to first go to Urumqi, and then transfer to the entrance of the scenic area, Jia Dengyu, in Burqin.