Dreamy Valley, A night of thrilling and romantic adventures

The only place in Hengdian with amusement facilities


The Dream Valley scenic area in the Hengdian World Studios provides a highly interactive entertainment experience, including multiple amusement facilities and theme parks showcasing volcanic eruptions, floods, and other natural phenomena, as well as local customs, bringing you an unforgettable nighttime film activity. It is worth noting that the water world is only open in summer, and in the evening, you can not only watch performances, but also the performance times are very flexible, with durations ranging from 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the park notice.
Opening hours
15:00-20:00 (All day) (January 1st - September 30th, Monday to Sunday) 13:00-20:00 (All day) (October 1st - October 6th, Monday to Sunday) 15:00-21:00 (All day)
Last admission at 20:00 (October 7th - December 31st, Monday to Sunday) Tips: Without a valid ID, admission will be denied and the price difference must be made up according to the park's posted price before entry is allowed.

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