Mount Heng in the southern region, A spiritual sanctuary amidst breathtaking nature

37 Jingsha Road, Nanyue District, Hengyang City, Hunan Province
The fragrance of incense pervades every corner of Mount Heng


Mount Hengshan, also known as the Southern Mountain, is one of China's five sacred mountains. It is renowned for its stunning natural scenery and cultural landmarks that blend both Buddhism and Taoism. Deep valleys full of lush greenery and cascading waterfalls create a serene atmosphere throughout the area. Additionally, numerous temples and shrines spread throughout the mountain add a sense of spiritual devotion. As a holy site of Chinese Buddhism, the "Nan Zong" lineage of Buddhism originated from Mount Hengshan, and the "Nan Yue Pai" sect was founded here. Each year on the first day of August according to the lunar calendar, hundreds of thousands of worshippers come to Mount Hengshan to pay their respects to the "Great Emperor of the Southern Mountain." Moreover, the best time to admire the famous Hengshan Fog is from December to early February of the following year.
37 Jingsha Road, Nanyue District, Hengyang City, Hunan Province
Opening hours
08:00-17:30 (All day);Last admission time: 17:30 (Monday-Sunday, January 1-December 31)
Hengshanxi Station and Hengshan Station both have buses to Nanyue District. There are free cars to the foot of Hengshan Mountain in Nanyue District.