Bayinbuluke Prairie of Xinjiang Uygur, A paradise embraced by snow-capped mountains

Baicheng County, Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, located along National Highway 217
Lakes and streams are scattered in the meadows from time to time


Bayinbrook is derived from Mongolian language, meaning "abundant spring", which implies that this grassland is abundant with water and grass, and has a flat terrain, which is a classic example of a grassland steppe. As one of the most important animal husbandry bases in Xinjiang, there is not only the winding Kaidu River, but also the beautiful and charming Swan Lake. The best time to visit is from June to September each year, as temperatures are lower in other seasons.
Baicheng County, Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, located along National Highway 217
Opening hours
09:00-18:30 (All day) (Monday-Sunday, May 1st-October 20th)
Urumqi-Bayanbulak Grassland