Xishuangbanna Dai Ethnic Garden, Immerse in the Authentic Dai Culture and Festivities

Olive Dam, Jinghong City, Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province
Representative of a certain Dai ethnic style


- Dai Ethnic Village consists of five natural villages that are best preserved among the Dai ethnic group, namely Manjiang, Manchunman, Manting, Manzha, and Manga. - Upon entering the scenic gate, tourists will first come to the welcoming square where passionate Dai people will perform welcoming dance, speech, and sprinkling blessing, making visitors feel warm and friendly. - Inside the park, the ancient Manchunman Temple showcases its over 1400 years of history to tourists, with the clear chanting of scriptures every day. - The Water-Splashing Festival in Xishuangbanna is one of the grandest celebrations of the Dai ethnic group. At the Water-Splashing Square in Dai Ethnic Village, lively water-splashing activities take place every day, allowing visitors to appreciate the charm of this traditional culture.
Olive Dam, Jinghong City, Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province
Opening hours
08:00-17:00 (all day) (Mon-Sun, Jan 1 - Dec 31)
1. Gaokua Daba: From Jinghong to Dai Ethnic Garden, the bus stop is Xishuangbanna Passenger Transport Station (known as the "Flat Tire Factory" by locals). 2. Scenic shuttle bus: Directly from Jinghong City to Dai Ethnic Garden, the fare is about 20 yuan/person, and the bus stop is at the main gate of Gaozhuang in Xishuangbanna.