Zhengzhou Museum, A Treasure Trove of Henan's Archaeological Wonders

No.168 Songshan South Road, Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province
The museum has a rich collection


The Zhengzhou Museum is an institution specialized in collecting, exhibiting, disseminating, and researching cultural relics, located in Zhengzhou City. Its collection of cultural relics is very rich, with a total of more than 20,000 pieces. The types of collections are diverse, including ancient animal fossils such as elephants dating back four to five hundred thousand years ago, production and living utensils, bronze wares, jade wares, and primitive porcelain from the Neolithic Age. There are also valuable cultural relics such as Han Dynasty portrait bricks, Wei, Tang, and Song stone carvings, Su Shi's cursive script "Record of the Pavilion of Drunkenness" stone carvings, as well as porcelain, famous calligraphy and painting of the Ming, Qing, and modern era. The exhibition value of these cultural relics is very high, not only can enhance the public's cultural knowledge, but also bring them a lot of joy and harvest.
No.168 Songshan South Road, Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province
Opening hours
09:00-16:30 (all day)
last entry time: 16:30 (Wed-Mon, Dec 1 - Feb 28 of next year, all day) (Dec 1 - Feb 28 of next year, Tuesday) 09:00-17:00 (all day)
last entry time: 17:00 (Wed-Mon, Jun 1 - Aug 31, all day) (Jun 1 - Aug 31, Tuesday)
Take bus No. 273/298/46/560/58 to the City Museum Station, and get off and walk to reach the destination.