Mogan Mountain Nationnal Scenic Spots, A Cool Retreat Amidst Historic Villas and Lush Bamboo

There are many old villas on the mountain


Deqing County is located in northern Zhejiang. In the late Spring and Autumn period, the Wu King Helu sent Gan Jiang and Mo Ye to forge the unparalleled Chixiong Twin Swords here, thus it is known as "Twin Sword Mountain". The scenic area covers a vast area, has rugged terrain, and has a high coverage rate of up to 92%, making it known as the "Number One Mountain in Jiangnan". The scenic area includes Wuling Village, Jianchi Scenic Area, Luhuadang Park, and other attractions. The Daken Scenic Area is a bit far and requires transportation, while other attractions are mostly walking tours. In addition, many celebrities such as Mao Zedong have also come here to enjoy the rich natural and cultural landscapes and natural scenery, making it a popular summer resort in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai.
Opening hours
08:00-17:00, 08:30-16:30 (Tour bus hours) (Monday-Sunday, January 1-December 31)
To get to Moganshan, you need to first go to Huzhou or Deqing county (Wukang), and then take a bus or shared car to Moganshan scenic area.