Yanling County Shennong Valley National Forest Park, Escape into Cool Serenity Amidst Lush Greenery

Shidu Town, Yanling County, Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province, China, via County Road 067
Summer is very cool for avoiding the heat


Shennong Valley National Forest Park is located in the middle section of the Luoxiao Mountains and on the northern slope of Wanyang Mountain at the border of Hunan and Jiangxi provinces. The park is only separated from Jinggang Mountains in Jiangxi by a mountain ridge to the east and is about 45 kilometers away from Yanling County. The park is situated in a subtropical monsoon humid climate zone with an average annual temperature of about 14.4°C. The lowest average temperature in January is about 3.9°C, and the highest average temperature in July is about 23.8°C. The annual rainfall in the area is approximately 1967.9 millimeters.
Shidu Town, Yanling County, Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province, China, via County Road 067
Opening hours
All Day (Everyday from January 1st to December 31st) Tips: Additional Information: Free admission groups need to purchase a separate 22 yuan sightseeing bus ticket.