Xingcheng Seaside National Scenic Area, A pristine beach with natural charm

Xinghai South Road, Section 5, Xingcheng City, Huludao City, Liaoning Province
The beach at Xingcheng Seaside is relatively fine


The natural beach located along the coast of Xingcheng in Huludao, Liaoning Province, is about 1.5 kilometers long, backed by mountains and facing the sea, with beautiful scenery. The sand on the beach is soft and there are no obstacles in the water, making it very suitable for swimming and playing. Taking a speedboat for a ride is also a good choice. In addition, the yacht terminal is located at the north end of the beach, where you can take a yacht to Chrysanthemum Island for about a 40-minute ride. Every summer, tourists come here to enjoy the cool sea water, dig shells, crabs, and sunbathe. They also taste fresh seafood during family gatherings and shoot beautiful sunrise views.
Xinghai South Road, Section 5, Xingcheng City, Huludao City, Liaoning Province
Opening hours
24-hour (all day) (January 1st-December 31st Monday-Sunday)
Bus: Take bus route 1 in front of Xingcheng Train Station and get off at Haibin Bathing Beach.