Golden Sand Island, Pristine Beaches and Bountiful Seas

Xiangyun Island, Leting County, Tangshan City
A very beautiful beach


Jinsha Island is located in the Bohai Sea in the southwest of Leting County. Originally named Dawangang, it consists of 11 curved sand dams, forming a narrow and long island that separates the near sea into inner sea and outer sea. The golden sand of the outer sea is shining, and the sea water is blue and clear, making it a natural beach. The inner sea is fertile and rich, with abundant fish and various crabs and shellfish on the shallow beach. Therefore, Jinsha Island is an ideal place for fishing, catching shrimp, and collecting shellfish. May and November are good times to observe red-crowned cranes and gray cranes, and rare black-tailed gulls may even be encountered.
Xiangyun Island, Leting County, Tangshan City
Opening hours
09:00-17:00 (all day)
last admission time: 17:00 (Monday-Sunday)08:30-18:00 (all day)
last admission time: 18:00 (Monday-Sunday)
Take a boat from Beigang Port to Jinsha Island, or take a boat from Yuetuo Island.