Li Yuan, A Fusion of Traditional Charm and Western Elegance

Gonghua Village, Beiyi Township, Tangkou Town, Kaiping City, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province
The style of humanities architecture is very obvious


In 1936, overseas Chinese Mr. Xie Weili built Li Garden in the United States. This garden ingeniously blends Chinese and Western architectural styles, with the most striking feature being a villa area, a large garden area, and a small garden area interconnected by a network of wide canals. The canals are dotted with landscapes such as corridors, small bridges, and pavilions. The villa area in the garden includes six villas and a watchtower, with the most spectacular being the "Panli" and "Panwen" villas, with a bronze statue of the owner Xie Weili seated in front of "Panli". The garden also preserves large-scale painted murals by folk artists from the late Qing Dynasty, gold lacquer carvings, ash carvings, ceramic sculptures, and sanitary systems imported from the United States at that time. The buildings inside Li Garden are diverse, including a grand archway, a monumental gate, Wanshang, Wanshui, Guanlan, and Yicui four bridge pavilions, as well as ancient Roman-style bird nests and flower vine pavilions resembling bird cages, all of which are exquisitely crafted and unique in style.
Gonghua Village, Beiyi Township, Tangkou Town, Kaiping City, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province
Opening hours
08:30-17:30 (All day) (January 1-December 31, Monday-Sunday)
Take bus line 617 to Liyuan Intersection (bus stop) in Kaiping, get off and walk to reach your destination.