Heiwa Park, A Sanctuary of Peace Overlooking Mount Fuji

Peace Park, Higashitanaka, Gotenba, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan 412-0026
The weather is good, so you can see Mount Fuji from far away


Peace Park aims to express the Japanese people's protest against war and call for world peace through beautiful garden architecture, fountains, lakes, a zoo, and various trees and flowers. Covering an area of 10,000 tsubo, it is one of the most attractive parks in Japan, located at the best panoramic viewing point of Mount Fuji. There is a Shariden Tower from India in the park, with a white tower body and a golden Buddha statue, which stands as a straight declaration against war. In addition, there are a large and a small bell in the park. You can take a photo under the large bell or strike the small bell and listen to the bell echoing in nature. On the way down the mountain, there is a temple with interesting decorations such as oversized grass shoes outside the gate, which allows you to experience traditional Japanese culture. In summary, Peace Park is not only beautiful and attractive, but also has important historical significance and cultural connotations.
Peace Park, Higashitanaka, Gotenba, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan 412-0026
Opening hours
About a 5 minute drive along the National Highway from Gotemba I.C. leads to the destination.