Midway Geyser Basin, A Spectrum of Geothermal Marvels

Midway Geyser Basin, Teton County, Wyoming, United States of America


Midway Geyser Basin is located on the Firehole River in the southwestern part of Yellowstone National Park. Its name comes from its location between Upper and Lower Geyser Basins. Although it is not large, it has two of the largest hot springs in Yellowstone National Park: the world's third-largest hot spring, Grand Prismatic Spring, with a diameter of 110 meters, and the Excelsior Geyser with a diameter of 60×80 meters, which was once the world's largest geyser. Although it no longer erupts, it still discharges 15,000 liters of hot spring water into the Firehole River every minute. Additionally, there are also hot springs such as Turquoise and Opal, which are worth a visit.
Midway Geyser Basin, Teton County, Wyoming, United States of America
Opening hours
24/7 Open